Here I am watching Sue's brushwork like a hawk. Not that I needed to, she's extremely creative and picks things up effortlessly. I really enjoy watching students learn a process. Especially with glass gilding because if you begin with a simple stage and carefully add detail after detail you end up with a really beautiful result.

In this picture I'm demonstrating how to open up a colour by adding gold to the glaze. There is nothing like watching how to do something and then trying it yourself. I learnt gilding by watching and copying every step that my master demonstrated (yes that does sound oddly Victorian, but I was apprenticed to Rosaria Titian of Titian Studios and she was a brilliant artist and deserved the title). I don't think there's any substitute for that kind of connection when you're learning a craft. If you'd like to do a class in Verre Eglomise contact me at londongilding@gmail.com
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